Cody Eddings

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Cody Eddings is a lifelong entrepreneur, engineer, and massive nerd. Born and raised in St. Louis, he graduated from Lehigh University with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. Cody has deep experience as a Technical Founder, building and maintaining software apps for large and small companies alike. He founded and led development for GS Technologies: a startup that created GuitarSim, a 4.1+ star guitar simulator app on Google Play. Having experienced first-hand the gap in financial tools & literacy in the underbanked community, he has made it his life's work to empower everyone with cutting-edge fintech innovations and give them greater control over their money.

Aug. 29, 2022

Equitable Software Products

Join host Eddie Hudson, Tech Backstage host, for a conversation with Cody Eddings, CEO &. Co-founder of SnapRefund, as he discussed building software for people instead of just focusing on pure profit.

Listen to the Episode